This Nagios plugin check Hyper-V 2012 server health through PowerShell + NRPE (nsclient++):
- Execute and retrieve BPA scan result (Best Practice Analyzer)
- Check that all VM are running
- Check that no VM are in any state other than “Operating normally”
Warning and Critical state are triggered by the sum of:
- BPA alerts
- # VM in unhealthy state
VM (models…) can be excluded through an argument
A new BPA scan is triggered at every execution, but new result is retrieved next time (async) (take too much time).
Provided performance data:
- # VM stopped,
- # VM unhealthy,
- # BPA errors
- # BPA warning
Tested setup
- Centos 6.4 x64
- Nagios 3.4.4
- check_nrpe 2.13
- Centreon 2.4.2
- Windows Server 2012 (needed to have PowerShell Hyper-V module)
- nsclient++ 0.4.1 x64
Script argument
- excludeVM (comma separated)
- maxWarn (Warning if aboce) (1 by default)
- maxError (Criticial if above) (5 by default)
maxWarn and maxCrit must be integer
Usages samples
Directly in PowerShell:
PS C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts>. .lotp_check_hyper-v.ps1 WARNING: 'VM Not Running:'2 'VM issues:'0 BPA Error:1 BPA Warning:12|VM_Not_Running=2 VM_issues=0 BPA_Error=1 BPA_Warning=12 PS C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts>
Through NRPE:
[root~]# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H myMonitoredServer -n -c check_hyper-v WARNING: 'VM Not Running:'2 'VM issues:'0 BPA Error:1 BPA Warning:12|VM_Not_Running=2 VM_issues=0 BPA_Error=1 BPA_Warning=12 [root~]#
On Windows:
- Enable powershell script execution without signed : Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- copy script in folder C:Program FilesNSClient++scripts
- Add to nsclient.ini:
- [/settings/external scripts/wrapped scripts]
- check_hyper-v=lotp_check_hyper-v.ps1 -excludeVM $ARG1$ -maxWarn $ARG2$ -maxError $ARG3$
On Centreon, by adding this command:
$USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -n -t 60 -c check_hyper-v -a $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$
Source code:
# ====================================================================
# Ping a list of targets through NRPE
# Author: Mathieu Chateau - LOTP
# mail:
# version 0.1
# ====================================================================
# Require Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned.. or sign this script with your PKI
# ============================================================
# Do not change anything behind that line!
[int]$maxWarn = 1,
[int]$maxError = 5
$targetsArray=$targets -split(' ')
Remove-Job -Name * -Confirm:$false -Force
foreach($t in $targetsArray)
Start-Job -Name $t -ArgumentList $t -ScriptBlock {param($t);if(Test-Connection -ComputerName $t -Count 2 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){return $true}else{return $false}} |Out-Null
while(Get-Job -State Running)
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
foreach ($job in Get-Job)
$temp=Receive-Job -Name $job.Name
$output+=$job.Name+" - "
if ($countKO -gt $maxError)
elseif ($countKO -gt $maxWarn)
$output=$state+":"+$countOK+" online"+" - "+$countKO+" offline - "+$output
$output+="online="+$countOK+";"+$maxWarn+";"+$maxError+";"+" "
Write-Host $output
exit $exitcode
is-it possible to disable VM check and then just keep BPA checks ?
I haven’t the information when i run “get-help ./lotp_check_hyper-v.ps1” command.
Best regards.