Project Server 2010 – could not be deleted because other objects depend on it


Suite à la suppression partielle d’un site PWA, la recréation du même site échoue avec le message suivant:

An object in the SharePoint administrative framework, "ProjectDatabase Name=ProjectServer_Archive", could not be deleted because other objects depend on it. Update all of these dependants to point to null or different objects and
retry this operation. The dependant objects are as follows:ProjectSite Name=c1a6cdf0-cf4b-452f-8fea-ef339e8be2cc


La solution que j’ai appliqué est de supprimer le site pseudo fantôme:

$a=(Get-SPServiceApplication | ?{$_.Name -match "project"}).SiteCollection | ?{$_.SiteID -match "c1a6cdf0-cf4b-452f-8fea-ef339e8be2cc"}

et voilà!

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